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Sorry no video blog of me dancing, I forgot to bring my camera, also there was no one who could take a video. But…

Today I went to renew my visa for staying here. To start off here in the Philippines you must dress really nice when going to the immigration office, and there are many rule and things you should abide by while in the actual office. Like don’t use the word “yea” it must be “yes”. You can’t wear sleeveless shirts or flip-flops, (which everyone in the Philippines wears). And I was told there is a scary old man that will scold you if you make mistakes or don’t look professional enough. So I dressed up really nice, in fact, I looked very much like a professional business woman with dreads. Hehe. I barrowed a pair of black slacks and a pair of nice-nice sandals from my roommate. I was ready and brought everything I could think that I would need including about $30 worth of money in Pisos Queeny and I headed out of the house looking fresh and I was walking very slowly cause my shoes had heals on them! And if you know me, I don’t wear any heals short or tall!

After arriving at the immigration office I went to the woman at the desk and told her while I was there, while someone rushed over to me and pointed a raider looking gun type thing at my forehead and said I had to get my temperature taken. Then started to fill out a extension visa, I sharply came to find out that you can only renew your visa two months at a time. Then I was told to go to a different desk with my papers. In which that lady told me I had to pay 4800 pisos for only two months! Which is about a $100! I was shocked because my three month visa before only cost $30. I told her I would have to come back later after I got more money.

Queen and I left and we were waiting at the bank for Kuya cause he needed her to sign the slip. While we waited I had some time to think about the visa. And what I was going to do about that big sum of money and having to pay it again in two more months. But after some intense thinking, I realized this was the only time I would have to renew my visa, because I will be leaving the Philippine in December to go on an outreach in Taiwan. So when I re-enter I have a 59 day tourist visa. I was very relieved.

We went back and outside the door, was the scary old man smoking. and I paid the fee and then my application was taken to the “scary” old man. In which before I entered the office I told Queeny that I wasn’t afraid of him. He just wound up asking me lots of question with genuine interest in the USA. He’s just a grumpy old man who needed cheering up. J

Visa Ö

Grumpy old man not so grumpy Ö

Maggie-worry free Ö

(These are check marks by the way)

3 responses to “Renewing the Visa”

  1. Nice story Mags about your experience with the Philippines’ government workers….happy all turned out so well. Hopefully you made “friends” with grumpy man. Friends in gov. office can be very helpful.

  2. Maggie! Did someone take a picture of you wearing heels??
    Most short people like wearing heels to give them some height! Glad you got the visa renewed.